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“El Serrallo ve de gust”, videos with recipes of El Serrallo

6 videos with recipes you should not miss! Do you dare to cook them?

Anchovy stew / © Angelina Pastor, “Xeli”

Angelina Pastor, "Xeli", cooks us a traditional recipe with Blue Fish from Tarragona, anchovy stew as marked by the canons of the Serrallo.

All i pebre (garlic and paprika sauce) and skate / © Enric Seritjol

Enric Seritjol, a great lover of history, brings us closer to the anecdotes he experienced at sea while he cooks us an all i pebre (garlic and paprika sauce) of skate.

Moixina with Romesco / © Josep Maria Tules, “Pitu Mosquits”

If there is one good meal to bring friends and family together around a table, it is romesco, Tarragona's signature dish. Enjoy this version by Josep Maria Tules "Pitu Mosquits", from El Serrallo, full-blooded..

Octopus with onions / © Lluís Palau

The ranxets (typical dishes) on board are always tastier. Luis Palau, skipper and chef of the Tarragona Blau, the Serrallo swallow, prepares a recipe that is as simple as it is delicious: octopus with onions.

Arrossejat (Fish rice) / © Nuri Bordas

The traditional recipes of the Serrallo have a thousand and one secrets; luckily Nuri Bordas decides to share them when it comes to preparing an excellent arrossejat.

Fried thickback sole / © Rosita Mallol, “Patxitxa”

In this recipe, blue whiting, hake and red mullet are the main ingredients of a good fisherman's lunch. Rosita Mallol, "Patxitxa", explains the secrets of this dish at an irresistible price.
