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This funeral monument, located just off the former Via Augusta, 6 km outside Tarragona heading toward Barcelona, was built out of large ashlars, has a square floor plan and dates back to the first quarter of the 1st century A.D. The structure comprises three stacked segments. The first segment consists of a square base. The second segment includes two sculpted figures  (probably representing the funeral divinity Attis), as well as a dedicatory inscription. The third and uppermost segment, which is partially conserved, is made up of simple arches that shelter a bas-relief depicting two figures. The crown, which was perhaps pyramidal in shape, has been lost.

Outdoor monument.

N-340 a Barcelona (a 6 Km de Tarragona)
977 25 15 15

Opening hours and price of admission to museums and monuments (7 January-28 February 2025)

Opening hours and price of admission to museums and monuments (1 - 31 March 2025)